Some scholars believe that the Elven people were once the advanced intellects and skilled magicians/scientists of Atlantis and that the diaspora (the move of race from one part of the globe to another) occurred when Atlantean floods sent millions off to various parts...
This name means in Gaelic, “Tribe of the Goddess Danu” or “Children of the Goddess Danu”. Danu is the Earth, supreme Nature Goddess. The spirits of Nature are our family, our kin, our interconnectedness with the ecosystem of all the earth
The adventure of Elven World has been one that I am on with many of you–a ride over the rapids and out onto a cool lake that reflects the sky. We gently wash ashore and follow a tiny path into a deep forest that leads to a meadow with grasses waving in the...
This blog deals with all things Elven: time and space travel, healing, Earth sciences and energy, Quantum physics, magical skills, art in all forms; metaphysical and spiritual wisdom. It also addresses all things to do with the Tuatha de Danann, Children of the...
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