Elven Blessing for this moment:

Moonstone's Ancient Elven Symbol

You are Light, You Are Love, You are Whole …
Sometimes in the sidewalk there is a little flower that peaks through. In the meadow they grow wild everywhere – these tiny pink and yellow flowers opening their faces, shedding their light.
Each word, your thoughts, your emotions ripple out into the world from your heart-space: electrically touching, leaving impressions.
You are a healer of the Earth, skies and the sun. Mankind is one part in this great interconnectedness of life. As you touch with your thought, so does the influence spread outward carrying the message; even if the thought cannot be seen, even if the sound cannot be heard by human eyes and ears.
We ask that you honor your ability and develop your skill. There are many ways to begin–listening for those things that resonate with you. A moment in each day to be in your sacred space and connect to your infinite source will guide you.
You are love, you are light, you are blessed.