We join as a family across the globe to pray for our mother earth. Please pray with us. – T.E. Pelton, Author Elven World mythologies Hopi Elders Call for Prayer for Japan and Our World
If you are reading this, you are Tuatha de Danann, tribe of the goddess Danu. You are Elven, beings of Light, golden; children of the stars and Earth as One. – T.E. Pelton, Elven World Mythologies We are living the legend of now. Opening our hearts in this now....
You are Divine
Blessings; May you feel the Elven song within, hear the voice who speak from your heart space. We are Tuatha de Danann, the children of Nature and the stars. –T.E. Pelton A quick note to commemorate one of the most beautiful things I have seen lately, or even ever so...
Blessings; May you feel the Elvensong within, dance to the rhythm of the sun and hear our voices who speak from your heartspace. We are Tuatha de Danann, the children of Earth and the heavens together. –T.E. Pelton Ogma (pronounced OG-ma, sometimes spelled Ogme or...
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