Angus/Aengus: God of Love & Beauty

Spring is here and the best time to dream of Love and Romance. So this is the story of Aengus/Angus, the god of love and beauty and his lover, Caer. Angus, (Celtic, English) Aengus in modern Irish/Gaelic, (pronounce “een-ghus”) is the god of love, beauty, and dreams. ...

Elven, Crystal, Indigo and Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP)

Crystal, Indigo and Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP) will  particularly enjoy “Elven World: Restoration of the Tuatha de Danann Kingdom”. Why? Because as Elven we understand the depth of our relationship to Nature. Because as Crystal, Indigo and HSP we embody the...

Elven, Nature Spirits, Avatar and God

Why are the Elven or Nature Spirits so relevant in our world today? What place is there in modern society for Irish Mythology, Druidism, a belief or understanding of the Faery, the Tuatha de Danann, or the study and practice of Magick? Why is the Vatican protesting...

Elven World: Legend of the Tuatha de Danann

Are you Elven? Are you Fae? Do you have magickal blood running through your veins? So begins the poetic message that introduces a modern legend Elven World: Restoration of the Tuatha dé Danann Kingdom. Irish Mythology Tuatha dé Danann means “tribe or children of the...

Blessing for Sun Song

Sun Song’s Blessing You are so very blessed Sun Song, how can we bless you more? We will try to put into words, a translation …. Your Blessing is your gift that is your ability to uplift, enhance and make more beautiful all that is with in your sight. We do...

Blessing for Lady Rivendale

There is no guidance that is not your own choice because your choices are all blessed, we are honoring your sense of choice. At the same time there are many here like you who have come at this time for the joy of living in this powerful time and for the journey of...

Messages from the Elven Masters?

Perhaps in the crop circles are messages… and if so what are they? Perhaps there is guidance there…. May I ask if you are looking, to feel the message in your heart. Perhaps their beauty takes us a step beyond mathematics and science to the realm of the...

Elven Path Earth Blessing, Greg Braden

Perhaps you will find the discoveries by Greg Braden of interest to you in your Elven path. Rather than explaining these myself, I urge you to look at the videos posted here and make your own further search from a scientist who is clearly a friend to us in like-minded...

Children of the New Earth

Recently I have been researching the next book in the series “Children of the new Earth” So I have had take some time to enjoy children, talking with them, observing them and being with them. At first I thought that these new children will be so much...

Elven World, Hill of Tara

“He closed his eyes and felt his spirit soar. Tara’s sweet smelling grass lay beneath his feet. The cloudless sky seemed to wait for his action…” – Elven World My return to Hill of Tara was breathtaking and passionate — more than I...